About me


My name is Dewika Rao and in a parallel universe, I work as an IT-Consultant.

Find me on Facebook and Instagram @littletarotgoddess

A little something about where I come from. I have grown up in Mumbai, India and then moved to Germany for further studies. I have an engineering/MBA background, just like many in my South-Indian Brahmin family. Being raised in such a family also meant involvement with God and sharing spiritual beliefs.

As an adult (away from home), I left behind a lot of the traditional ideologies. I enjoyed living in a new country, with a new culture, but something always felt missing. It took me years to find out what that was.

But before I did that, it was imporatant to inform myself

I have always been fascinated by the occult arts. Astrology, Palmistry, Neurology to the more scientific approaches of Handwriting analysis or psychology. As I explored these fascinating subjects, I also ordered a tarot deck randomly. I was surprised at how quickly I could relate to it. I read for myself every few months, but that was my connection to the world of Tarot. Until I decided to take my cards to a friend’s bachelorette party for fun. What I thought would be a bunch of raunchy and funny readings turned out to be a big hit with serious readings. I got positive feedback and felt very encouraged to try reading for more people.

Before doing that, however, I wanted to inform myself. And voila, thanks to online learning, I signed up for a Tarot course on Udemy. I ended up ordering a second deck, because I found it fascinating. As the course progressed, I found myself relating to the stories more and more. Once I was finished, I realised that there is something to it. As I read for friends and family, I was also astonished at how accurately I was able to read beyond the cards for many of them. That was when I realised my “gift.”

My philosophy

Well, I believe that the soul is truly satisfied, when three aspects of life are fulfilled.

  • Logical – gives us a tangible purpose
  • Creative – for mental and emotional stimulation
  • Spiritual – to accept mystery and keep hope

I have my work, which requires me to mostly use my logical self. My hobbies singing-dance-zumba help me be creative. I was missing my spiritual connection, which I now found through Tarot!

I am not sure how I feel about my relationship with God, because my own upbringing tells me there are millions of Gods. Yes, they are supposed to me the same at the end of the day, but as one person, how can I relate to God?

Before coming up with a religion of my own, I came up with an explanation that I felt comfortable using. I believe in universal energy. Think of it as my application of the first law of thermodynamics – energy can neither be created nor destroyed. My wishes, my dreams and my actions are all tied to the energy I give out and thus the energy I receive.

In short: do I believe in Karma? Yes!