Weekly Reflections with Little Tarot Goddess 26.08 – 01.09.19

Hi Everyone,
this week my Intuition guided me to seek out my Tarot deck – The Wild Wood Tarot and I ended up picking two cards for my readings.

The first card I drew is the Ten of Vessels (Happiness), which corresponds to the Ten of Cups in the standard Tarot. This card is a beautiful image of a waterfall filling up the cups placed below it as it goes on to the journey forward. This card also indicates the successful completion of a cycle related to emotional and creative success.

The second card I drew is the Three of Bows (Fulfillment), which corresponds to the Three of Wands in the standard Tarot. This card shows a warrior, prepared to his tasks with a bow in his hand, the snakes indicating balance. He has one foot forward, reaching for his goals. He looks determined and wants to be committed to his goal of fulfillment.

This week, Tarot wants you to think about happiness and fulfillment. Both positive emotions, but one temporary and one a long term goal, formed of conscious choices. Are you able to differentiate between what makes you happy in the moment and what is a choice you need to consciously make to fill your life with meaning and long term contentment?

Check out the complete video here:

Weekly Reflections with Little Tarot Goddess 19.08 – 25.08.19

Hi Everyone,
this week my Intuition guided me to seek out my Chakra – Wisdom of the Oracle deck and I ended up picking two cards for my readings.

The first card Impatience is the story of Etan, who so badly wanted to see the dawn, that he decided to buy a used Moon which wouldn’t stay in place without the cord. When he fell asleep, dawn did arrive, but was blocked out by his moon.

The second card Enlightenment tells us the story of Topaz, an enlightened one, who was on a journey to meet the Great Spirit but was interrupted by a child. This child asked him how he could achieve enlightenment from within. Topaz answered, “through your fears.”

It seems to me that this week the Oracle wants you to think about your fears. What fears are causing you to seek goals which are not truly yours? Could that be why you are not achieving them and feeling impatient? Your fears are not your enemy, but more like a concerned friend who only wishes the best for you. Accept these fears so you can focus on your true goals and achieve your enlightenment.

Full video below!