Weekly Reflections | 19.01 – 26.01 | (Ace of Arrows)

This week I used my time to review the Cat’s Eye Tarot (check it out on my website under “Decks”). Hence, this week is just going to be a good old blog style post!

I pulled one card from my Wildwood Tarot and I was quite excited, because I have never pulled this card before. The card that I drew is the Ace of Arrows (Swords).

The image represents this beautiful islandand an arrow shooting straight out of it. This little island is actually the eye of Uffington White Horse, a prehistoric hill figure depicting the shape of a horse on a hill through the water ways. The part of the visible in the image is the head, thus also the center for new ideas.

The suite of Arrows corresponds traditionally to Swords, which represent ideas and communication. In their essence the Arrows also follow the Swords, but differ in many ways too. While the Ace of Swords is seen as a positive sign for communication and new ideas, the Ace of Arrows seems to talk about the Breath of Life. For me, this represents multiple aspects of our mental states.

This time, this card calls out to me to focus on our mental health. In modern times, mental health seems to be a growing issue, acknowledged more and more as the generations pass by. However, I think that there are three main reasons, because of which we are able to give importance to mental health.

  1. For many generations before us, physical health and survival was such a big issue, that not many people had the time or the energy to focus on their mental health. Today, a lot of us have decent jobs, homes and regular income, thus freeing up the “worry” space of the head to focus on mental health issues.
  2. We live in the age of information and technology. Unlike for many people of the previous generation, many of us now have jobs which are sometimes physically, but definitely mentally very demanding. We have to be at our best at all times, concentrate on new ideas, absorb new information and wanting to climb the ladder quickly leaves us with way less energy than we think.
  3. Information consumption is the way we communicate now. We have an app for everything, consuming so much information that we lose ourselves in it. It’s very difficult to catch a break when you are online. Even the simple act of checking the phone every few minutes to see if you’ve missed something are all signs of mild anxieties, if not more severe ones.

Wow, I am feeling so passionately about this subject. Maybe I will make a video on it soon. 🙂

Until then, take the time to breathe for your mind. Meditate. Treat your mind to calmness and positive exercise. I hope you will appreciate what your mind does for you more.

Until next week, folks!